Welcome to our staff Q&A! We plan to periodically introduce you to members of the Tucker Publishing Group team via a quick Q&A about us. Who has worked at TPG the longest? Which past issues of Evansville Living are our favorites? Who has the fiercest high school rivalry in the office? Keep an eye trained here to find out!
This week we introduce Morgan Dean, who joined Tucker Publishing Group as a graphic designer in September 2021. A native of Newburgh, Indiana, she is a 2016 Castle High School alumna and 2020 graduate of Ball State University with a bachelor’s degree in public relations with concentrations in graphic design and event planning.
How has TPG helped you grow in your field?
Even though I’ve only been at TPG for a short time, I have really grown as a designer. Constantly creating new designs for a variety of clients and stories is a challenge that I look forward to each issue. I genuinely have fun designing every day, and I feel that working at TPG has reignited my love for graphic design.
What has been your favorite issue that TPG has published?
The November/December 2021 issue of Evansville Living. I love all the stories, and it was the first issue I worked on from start to finish as a TPG employee! I also really love the July/August 2019 issue of Evansville Living because of the “Mex in the City” feature. The photography was beautiful, the layout was very well done, and the story was so fun.
What is your favorite part of working at TPG?
I absolutely love working with the people here. They welcomed me with open arms, and I have already learned so much from each of them.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
I’ve always wanted to travel to Europe, and Germany is at the top of my list!
What life experience would you choose to relive, and why?
I saw “David Byrne’s American Utopia” on Broadway in 2021, and I would love to relive that performance. It was one of the most memorable moments of my life!