DIY Burning Bowl

As the season for outdoor activities settles in, it’s time to start thinking up ways to make outdoor living spaces more comfortable. Adding a touch of style, a fiery glow, and crackling acoustics, a concrete burning bowl is the perfect go-to project to improve your backyard ambiance. Below are the items needed to create your own unique fire bowl.

• Quickset Concrete
• Plastic bowl to use as amold
• 1 bag of river rock
• Can 3.5” in diameter
• BirdBrain Firepot Gel fuel canister 
• Pam cooking spray
• Stick to stir concrete
• Plastic tub for mixing concrete

First, pour dry concrete mix into the plastic tub, adding water to desired consistency (stir thoroughly). After spraying the inside of the plastic bowl with Pam, pour in the mixed concrete to make the burning bowl base. Then, spray the 3.5” can with Pam and place it in the center of the concrete mix, pushing down only to the height of the gel fuel canister. Take the can out after six minutes. From there, wait 12-15 minutes, then carefully flip the plastic bowl, allowing the burning bowl base to slip out. As desired, place river rocks along the rim of the concrete and let dry overnight. At last, drop the gel fuel canister in the center, light it, and voila: you’ve made your very own portable fire pit!

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