Roller Rules: In E the People, readers discovered the combined weight of the roller derby team, the Rollergirls of Southern Indiana, had a combined roster weight of 2,100 pounds. That’s an average of 150 pounds per skater. These women make one fierce bunch. Never seen a roller derby game? Watch ROSI from your desk.
“V” Is for “Vaginas”: The Vagina Monologues, a woman-powered production about gender issues in America and around the world, returns to Evansville under the direction of longtime local thespian, Steve Small. His efforts support the Albion Fellows Bacon Center, a domestic violence shelter. Yet, the University of Southern Indiana and the University of Evansville also have performed the inspiring show. Learn what students think about their vaginas here and here.
The Hidden Homeless: In our Comfort Zone department, readers learned the tribulations experienced by clients and the executive director of Ruth’s House, a shelter for homeless women with addictions. Recently, the Indy Star published a gripping story about the “hidden homeless.” Read it here.
Circus Stunts: Like many Cirque du Soleil productions, La Nouba includes daring stunts such as aerial ballet, bicycle stunts, and power track/trampoline, which lets performers bounce off the walls and through the windows of an onstage building. See the spectacle in this trailer.
Evansville native Cheryl Ann Sanders currently performs as La Petite Madame, or the Cleaning Lady, in La Nouba at Walt Disney World. The show didn’t require Sanders to participate in any acrobatic feats, but she told Evansville Living she’d “love to learn something new and daring.”
Sounds like Ice Cream: Columbus, Ind., native and Evansville Living senior staff writer Kristen Lund returns to her hometown to witness the revitalization of a longtime staple: Zaharakos, a soda fountain and ice cream parlor more than a century old. Indianapolis Monthly magazine recently made a list of 50 things every Hoosier must do. Number one: “Sit at the counter at Zaharakos.” The atmosphere is one reason for your visit. The popular orchestrion is a hoot. Listen.