June / July 2014

Evansville Business

Point of Sale

Retail, simply put, is the sale of goods and services to the end user. It can be as large as a chain department store that sells a wide variety of items, or as small as a one-person operation with a

Back Talk

Sara Miller

Job: Evansville Region President, Southern Region CEO at Old National Bank Hometown: Aurora, Indiana Her Resume: Sara Miller’s business card includes a little extra information: that she’s been an associate with Old National Bank since 1996. Miller began her career

Business Front

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Don’t get too excited by the title of this column. I know some of you were probably ready to help me pack, load up, and ready to chip in for gas for the U-Haul. Unfortunately for you, I am only

Full Speed Ahead

When we last visited with Nix Welding Service in the December/January 2013 issue of Evansville Business, the Poseyville, Indiana, company was busy with all kinds of projects, and was preparing to start up its own painting and powder coating operation.

Cookies for Canines

Very few dogs can resist the allure of peanut butter. As soon as I begin to open the jar, my pup magically appears at my feet with an unbreakable trance, staring me down. In 2009, local entrepreneur Chris Thomas discovered

Invasive Species

Sometime in early 2002, a shipment was made into Michigan from Asia. The crate contained ash wood to help stabilize it. And unbeknownst to anyone at the time, the ash wood was carrying some very troublesome insects. The Emerald Ash

Back to the Basics

The familiar saying of “you are what you eat” has become a lifestyle for Jerry and Marsha Steckler, who are the founders of Steckler Grassfed, a family-owned, pasture-based, certified organic farm in Southern Indiana. Twenty-nine years ago, the Stecklers worked

Glass Act

The slim, stylish appearance of Google’s newest product, Google Glass, aims to bring sci-fi technology into the everyday world. Since May 2012, the company famous for its white background search engine and Doodles has tested eyeglasses with smartphone capabilities in

Building a Bridge

When Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke was appointed to Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s Blue Ribbon Transportation Panel last year, he already knew which project he’d need to promote: a new Interstate 69 bridge over the Ohio River. “I think there is

Making Its Mark

The innovative marketing staff at Extend Group listens to organizations, hears their challenges, and implements solutions to change the way they are perceived. The job the company does for its clients, it also has to do for itself — starting

Wills vs. Trusts

Conventional wisdom says that all adults should have a will in place, and many need to protect their assets with a trust. Evansville attorney Bill Bussing says it might be time to think differently — and save money. Bussing estimates

Revamping Princeton

In the middle of the workday, the drive through Princeton consists of many starts and stops. Flaggers, orange barrels, and safety barriers are just about everywhere. The familiar white cargo vans and pickup trucks with heavy-duty toolboxes are evident on

Everything in Harmony

Music shoppers in the Tri-State are lucky to have some great mom and pop shops. To name just a few, there are Opus 1 and The Musician’s Den in Evansville, and Abba Music in Henderson, Kentucky. Then there’s the granddaddy