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Monday, February 17, 2025

Link Up

To show how stories in the March/April issue of Evansville Living fit into the broader context of world events, this edition of Link Up brings the Internet to you. No Google search required.

If you’re wild about bird watching, then Hidalgo County in South Texas is the place for you. Like every hobby, there are those who are completely obsessed with bird watching. Such was the case for South African bird-watcher James Currie, who nearly missed the birth of his first child in 2003 as he pursued a European redstart in South Africa. Currie told The Wall Street Journal, “In my mind, I was actually thinking, ‘I can always have another child … but when am I ever going to find another European redstart in South Africa?’”

Home brewing is becoming a popular trend throughout the nation. National Beer Day was celebrated April 7 and to commemorate the frothy adult beverage, Forbes.com released a list of 13 Quirky Beer and Tax Facts on National Beer Day. Did you know to help pay for the Civil War Congress imposed an excise tax on beer? We’re sure that brought in some cash.

Warmer weather in the Tri-State promises chances to go outside and get our hands dirty. Or simply a chance to start on projects to make our homes look better, including façade greening. Of course, spring also means a time to air out your home or apartment and get to cleaning. Apartment Therapy lists eight spring-cleaning projects that are so much easier outdoors. Time to get scrubbing.

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