Link Up

To show how stories in our March/April 2012 issue fit into the broader context of world events, this edition of Link Up brings the Internet to you. No Google search required.

Let the Hunt Begin
Before offering a creative recipe on how to dye egg whites in our story “Designer Eggs,” Evansville Living tried it first. The result: eye-pleasing pastel deviled eggs even after the shell is peeled. This link shows how London charities are using decorative eggs in a citywide Easter egg hunt.

Eat. Taste. Grow.
In our story “Raising Future Foodies,” a Wadesville, Ind., couple shares ways they keep their two young sons involved in preparing meals. Since they were able to sit up, 4-year-old Lucas and 3-year-old Adam have been helping in the kitchen, from taste-testing ingredients to growing their own herbs. Here, read about a young chef prodigy making headlines in England.

Story of a Lifetime
When Michael Pointer was asked to write the story of the Zeller brothers for Evansville Living (“Three-Point Play”), the sports writer was thrilled. “To say it’s a unique story might be the understatement of all sports understatements,” he says. “Unprecedented is a better word. Steve and Lorri Zeller had a better chance of winning Powerball than pulling this off.” Longtime Sports Illustrated writer Gary Smith is familiar with writing about gifted athletes, from Mike Tyson’s rags-to-riches tale to the frontline loss of Pat Tillman. Here’s a link to the latter, one of Smith’s literary masterpieces.

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