Local Voice

Newburgh, Indiana, resident Larry Bucshon was first elected to Congress in 2010. He will be up for re-election in 2016. When not in Washington, D.C., he tours his district, which covers 18 counties and a portion of one county of Southwestern Indiana. During his tenure, he has been successful in getting multiple pieces of legislation signed into law addressing issues such as employment for veterans, prescription drug shortages, and critical funding for roads and bridges.

Evansville Business talked  with Congressman Bucshon for insight on current legislation and what it’s like to be a U.S. State Representative.

What are you working on that could affect Evansville’s future?
“I’ve been working to address regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency that have drastic implications for our farmers and coal industry. I’ve been involved in an unprecedented effort to protect seniors’ access to quality health care by stabilizing a flawed physician payment formula in Medicare. I’m also excited about a new initiative called ‘21st Century Cures’ that will accelerate the development, discovery, and delivery of disease treatment and cures in America.”
What’s a typical day for you like?
“One thing I learned early on is there’s no typical day in the life of a member of Congress. If I’m in Washington, D.C., my days are filled with meetings, hearings, and votes. When I’m in the district, I spend my days traveling counties I represent attending events, meeting with constituents, and touring businesses and organizations.”
What do you wish you could have accomplished in your time in office and haven’t yet?
“I’ve tried to get a member of the Obama administration to tour a coal mine here in Southern Indiana. Indiana is one of the top coal-producing states and all of that coal is mined in my district. I even personally invited President Obama when he was in the area in October of last year. I still haven’t heard back.”

For more information about Congressman Larry Bucshon, call his Evansville office at 812-465-6484 or visit bucshon.house.gov.

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