My Husband the Rock Star

My husband is in a rock band. Heโ€™s the drummer. Every great rock band needs a drummer. What would the Beatles be without Ringo Starr? The E Street Band without Max Weinberg? Or the Rolling Stones without Charlie Watts?ย  Still โ€” and if you know my husband, maybe you think this is appropriate โ€” in the lexicon of a band, drummer jokes are rampant. Websites are devoted to drummer jokes: How can you tell when a drummer’s at the door? He doesn’t know when to come in.

Todd began taking drum lessons 8 years ago. As a kid, he quit piano, though there are plenty of musicians in his family (his cousins). He has two drum kits; one in our home and one in a warehouse on the East Side that the band, โ€œAcquired Taste,โ€ leases for practice and jam sessions with friends.

The band began as an instructional band operating out of the Guitar Lab. Additional members were added and a few other band names inspired by random thoughts were considered. You know the drill: Youโ€™re having drinks with friends when someone remarks on a news item, like โ€œMargaret Thatcher is dead,โ€ and someone exclaims, โ€œThatโ€™s a great name for a band.โ€

Acquired Taste stuck when a friend remarked that Todd, and his music, were just that.

Some might say Motley Crew (I know how to spell the heavy metal bandโ€™s name) would be a more appropriate name. Members include an engineer who plays guitar and sings, an ophthalmologist guitar player, a therapist female singer, a marketer keyboard player, a corporate trainer who sings and plays guitar, a CPA guitar player, and a retired heart surgeon bassist.

Acquired Taste brings its loud and fun brand of rock-and-roll to the Roca Bar North patio this Saturday night at 8 p.m. Iโ€™ll be there!

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