On the Scene

Whose Site Is It?
While Redstitch is busy serving companies all over the nation, potential clients in their own backyard didn’t know they existed. That all changed when the inbound marketing and strategy and web development/design shop launched “Celebrate Evansville,” a time-and hyper-lapse video and website of the Evansville-area’s landmarks, on June 10. The two-and a-half-minute video shows a collection of cityscapes including the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science, Bosse Field, the Old Vanderburgh County Courthouse, Main Street, and more, and has been shared on Facebook more than 1,200 times and counting. The purpose of the video was to showcase Redstitch’s many abilities while promoting Evansville and recording a historical snapshot of a city in transition. The website, celebrateevansville.com, complements the audiovisual with information about the project and each location photographed over a span of two weeks.

“There were a lot of community service aspects to do that. We weren’t getting paid by anyone to do that,” says Todd Chase, who co-founded the company located at 9130 Petersburg Road with Wes Davis. Redstitch is named for the red stitching on a baseball — Chase played baseball at the University of Southern Indiana and Davis played at the University of Evansville. “But from a selfish standpoint, it really was a jumping off point to say: Hey, we are here in the local market. If you need our skillset or services, think of Redstitch.”

Don’t Miss:
Take a look behind the scenes and learn how “Celebrate Evansville” was created by clicking on the “Making of video” tab on the website. The company produced both videos simultaneously.

Site Designed and Maintained By: Redstitch Digital

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