Rock Solid

Mulzer Crushed Stone has been a distinctive part of the Evansville business climate since its founding in 1935. Over the years, Mulzer has expanded into six quarry locations along the Ohio River Valley and now is going global as they partner with an Ireland-based company, CRH, formerly Oldcastle Materials.

The decision to sell the company to CRH was made in early 2017. Natalie Maasberg, public relations and marketing manager of Mulzer Crushed Stone, says the company was sold as a growth strategy, and the Mulzer family still has a large position within the company.

“The business model is more of a partnership,” Maasberg says. “We share best business practices and industry information that has been really great for us.”

Mulzer Crushed Stone was purchased by CRH along with several similar businesses across the U. S. Mulzer, along with the other companies acquired, will keep its name and family business atmosphere.

The last time Evansville Business sat down with Mulzer was in 2006 as they were thwarting off plans to move their Downtown yard for several different Downtown expansion projects. Maasberg says this still is the plan as the location of the Downtown yard is prime real estate for a business like theirs.

“Over the years, we have tried to be a great neighbor, but there are so many benefits for us,” says Maasberg. “Our location is so economically efficient that, to my knowledge, there isn’t a viable location to move to.”

For more information about Mulzer Crushed Stone, visit

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