School Days

Most of us have at least a few favorite memories from high school. Maybe it was a big game or a first date. Maybe it was a favorite teacher. Maybe it was that time your buddy Ferris got you to skip school and you drove your dad’s car to Chicago for a day of shenanigans. Those were good times.

So, we asked you to send us some of your favorite high school memories. Too many of you responded for us to list them all here, but we chose a few of them. We’re almost longing to be teenagers again.

Julie Schutte Zuber — Mater Dei High School, 1979. My best memory is marching on the football field as a pompom girl.

Molly Blackford Mackeyโ€ฌ — Castle High School, 1997. First and only (as far as a I know) class to go undefeated through four years of Powder Puff Football during homecoming week. We were kind of a big deal.

Marilyn Edgar Wurtz — Bosse High School, 1949. Great memory: Overnight choir trip to St. Louis with choir director Charles Horn (and chaperones) to see Risë Stevens in a performance of “Carmen.” We also visited the Botanic Gardens and got to ride the great wooden roller coaster! Fabulous time!

Tim Sloat — Bosse High School, 1980. Speech class with Mr. (Ray) Begarly. Thanks to him, public speaking is easy for me. He also was the teacher for those interested in being a radio personality. Several of his students have had successful radio careers because of him, including hall of famer Dale Carter.

Chad Haydenโ€ฌ— Boonville High School, 1994. My favorite memory was being able to be a part of the Theater Department and see some amazing performances come off that stage. Judy McNeely (now retired) was an awesome and amazing instructor, mentor, and teacher of that program.

Bobbie JoAnn Hudson — Central High School, 1972. (We were) the first class to graduate from the “new” Central on First Avenue. I have many fond memories of my senior year at Central — classes, pep assemblies, and the like — but I think the one that sticks out in my mind is a whole group of us piling into a friend’s car — sitting on each other’s laps in fact — and racing over to one of the eateries on Diamond Avenue for lunch. Dangerous yes, but loads of fun!

Cathy Dyson — North Posey High School, 1989. My favorite memories of high school were the times spent at the football and basketball games and the high school dances that followed all the home games. The friendships made there and the music of the ‘80s were CLASSIC! Great times in a small town are what living in Indiana is all about!

Susan Weber Montgomery — Reitz High School, 1978. I would have to say my fondest memories of high school have to be the school spirit that we shared. Every week the Pep Club sold a button or ribbon for the upcoming game. For a quarter you could show your school spirit by wearing it to the game. I still have them, it’s quite a collection.

Tina Sizemore — North High School, 1970. Spanish class with Mr. Deig, pep club, and cruising in my friend’s GTO convertible!

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