The Kitchen Table

Summer seems to be slipping into fall a bit earlier this year. On a sunny day in late August when the temperature reached only 79 degrees, I asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if every day could be like this?”

I was working with freelance photographer Jerry Butts. “No,” he said. “Then everyone would want to live here!” I agreed with the logic. After all, I later thought, that’s why Arizona has scorpions; if the desert state were not populated with these scary arachnids, then everyone would live in Arizona for the sunny, dry weather. If Evansville had any more brilliant late summer days, everyone would want to live here — save for the otherwise steamy summers.

Jerry and I were talking at my kitchen table, where he was taking my picture. It’s one of the many spots where I work in my house, and a favorite because the large pine table is lit by an overhead skylight. Before this table became our kitchen table, it was our dining room table. Other former dining room tables — old farm tables bought cheaply when Todd and I could while away entire days antiquing — now serve as desks in our art and editorial departments. Our first dining room table, a small primitive oak table with blue milk paint legs, is the desk of our newest staff member, recent University of Southern Indiana graduate Zach Wehner who joined Tucker Publishing Group as graphic designer after serving an internship. Antique tables that have hosted meals, conversations, prayers, and homework — they are scratched and homework answers are traced into their surfaces (maybe from several generations) — continue to be worked upon daily in the production of this magazine. I think that’s pretty darn cool.

As Jerry was shooting, he asked about the spine of the earlier issues of Evansville Living — they all are white with black type. Today our spines are graphically designed and colorful; the words are carefully chosen. I think it’s interesting that we just never considered designing the spine until one day it dawned on us — likely because we were noticing our peer city magazines’ spines shelved in our magazine library. We learn every day in this business.

We have enjoyed producing this issue of Evansville Living for you.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kristen K. Tucker
Publisher & Editor

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