A Different Approach

In the early 1940s, Reggio Emilia, Italy, was a town devastated by World War II. Working to rebuild their community, the people of Reggio Emilia wanted a quick and communal way to teach their children. Teacher and psychologist Loris Malaguzzi began to implement a method based on individual respect and responsibility. The goal was to create a society where democracy was permanent and community was constant, encouraging children to work together and value individual perspective. This approach caught on, and in the early 1990s, schools in the United States began adopting the model.

Reggio Children, a mixed public-private organization promoting the rights of children, in collaboration with the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance, created a traveling exhibit — “The Wonder of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Children” — to showcase the values and ideals of the Reggio Emilia approach. This year, Audubon Area Community Services, Inc. and Henderson Community College play host to the self-guided, interactive exhibit, recounting experience from infant-toddler centers, preschools, and primary schools in Reggio Emilia through audio, video, and photography. “The Wonder of Learning” will run Jan. 31 through June 14 at the Henderson Fine Arts Center located at 2660 S. Green St. in Henderson, Ky. A series of lectures are offered Feb. 1-2, March 14-15, and May 16-18.

“Our goal is to help people understand what young children are capable of,” says Terry Green, child development manager of Audubon Area Community Services. “We welcome any and everyone who want to learn.”

For more information on The Wonder of Learning, see our Guide

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