
The snowbirds are calling. Southern Indiana folks who make Evansville their home six to eight months of the year have headed south. By the time you read this magazine, the midday sun here will be sinking to a low spot on the horizon, and darkness will fall soon after 4:30 p.m. Those winter days, I will awaken needing a nap and slip out of the office into the dark evenings with the very same thought. The snowbirds head south to enjoy an hour or so more of daylight and a midday sun that’s higher on the horizon. Maybe they’re seeking a tranquil beach, too.

As they have every year since we’ve published Evansville Living and Evansville Business, the snowbirds, these migrant vacationers and winter refugees, call our office reporting their winter addresses: “Please change my address to … Naples … Vero Beach … Bradenton … Fort Myers … Boca Raton” (all popular Florida destinations for our subscribers). A handful notify us of their winter relocation to sunny Southern California — Palm Springs and Palm Desert or San Diego.

If you’ve called the Evansville Living offices, you know all staff members pick up the phone. We enjoy it; that’s how we learn about our readers and advertisers. In recent weeks, the number of calls I’ve taken from our snowbirds amazed me. Most importantly, I’m so pleased that we’re top of mind for them; that they care enough to subscribe and change their address midyear. (It’s an easy transaction for Melody Terry, who manages our circulation; no big deal and the changes are easily made because we retain our records.)

I’ve learned that most of the winter relocators are not escaping Evansville; they’re bringing Evansville with them to their sunny destinations. We flatter ourselves in knowing they want to continue to read Evansville Living during the winter months, though what I’m really referring to is that these Evansville residents bring with them their social calendars and friends, sharing many the same interests and activities they enjoy in Evansville.

As I reviewed this issue, an overriding theme was evident to me: Gather. As we prepare to ease into the holiday season and close out the year 2010 (who can really believe that we’re 10 years removed from the turn of the century?), we invite you to gather your family, friends, and loved ones to celebrate whatever makes you happy, whether that’s here in Southwestern Indiana or a gathering of Evansvillians in South Florida. For inspiration, we’re happy to share fabulous ideas offered to us by the area’s top party-throwers — both the consummate professionals and creative hosts and hostesses. (Thank you to the many Facebook correspondents who suggested many of these names to us; we love to mine our readers’ experiences for story resources!)

It’s my sincere wish that you each will have ample reason to celebrate this fall and holiday season. I hope you enjoy this issue and our invitation to make your gathering special.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kristen K Tucker
Kristen K. Tucker
Publisher & Editor

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