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Inspired by local happenings — and news from Evansville Living magazine — we present these links that made us click for more.

Before GPS: At the new exhibition at Angel Mounds, archaeologists showcase artifacts nearly 2,000 years old from one of the most important Native American sites in the Midwest: the Mann Site in Posey County. Our feature story “Uncommon Ground” shows how evidence found there links Southwest Indiana to the archaeologically relevant Leake Site in northwest Georgia. That’s a six-hour drive. Imagine how long it took Hopewell people to travel that distance in 150 A.D.

Sketchy Policemen: Evansville Police Chief Brad Hill shared with readers his hobby, cartooning, in Model Citizen. An excellent artist, Hill uses his talent to create hundreds of Christmas cards every December. In contrast to Hill’s ability is this showcase of somewhat less impressive — but hilarious — artwork by police officers, The Huffington Post’s 14 funniest police composite sketches.

Just Like Us: In Encyclopedia Evansvillia, we look at the historical parallels between the old Roberts Stadium and the new Downtown arena’s beginnings that faced a vocal opposition. Is such a debate common in other cities? This Minnesota television station suggests citizens in major cities such as Minneapolis discuss new stadiums with the same gusto.

And He Sings: Former NBA pro and Evansville native Walter McCarty starts his first season with the Indiana Pacers as an assistant head coach. His story is featured in our Sporting Life department. Here’s a video showcasing McCarty’s talent on the court. McCarty also sings. Listen to tunes from his album here.

Broad Appeal: We introduce the new artistic director of the Evansville Dance Theatre, Lisa Dillinger, in 15 Minutes. Committed to diversity, Dillinger booked Sokvannara Sar, a Cambodian ballet dancer, in the lead role for this year’s Nutcracker. The documentary Dancing Across Borders shares Sar’s story, and the trailer documents his incredible journey from teenage folk dancer to ballet prodigy.

Safe for Work: In our feature “Dream Parties,” we let local event planners help readers plan the ultimate fantasy bash. We learned online that the keywords “dream parties” bring search engine results not safe for work. Whoops. To learn tips for throwing a dream party, read our story. It is safe for work.

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