The Animals of Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve is known for its breathtaking trails, nature playscape, and educational experiences, but another integral part of their operations is the assortment of wildlife housed at the Nature Center.

With a total of 27 animals, Wesselman’s has birds, box turtles, snappers, fish, snakes, and even a rabbit. Many other species of birds also can be spotted along the trails of the Nature Preserve.

All the animals in the Nature Center are rehabilitated, coming from different places across the country. Wesselman’s has a networking system with different organizations where the rehabbed animals are collected from.

Though not in the business of rehabbing animals, Wesselman’s helps and nurtures these creatures and preps them for educational purposes. Many of them have defects that would hinder their ability to survive in the wild such as broken wings or legs.

The animals are fed and cared for by the staff of Wesselman Woods, who also occasionally bring them out to teach guests about their qualities and characteristics.

“We like to say that all of our animals failed rehab and that’s why they’re here,” says Environmental Educator Kailene Goldsberry. “I gravitate towards Giz (eastern screech owl) and Pip (Mississippi kite), so you could say those are two of my favorites, but I love them all of course.”

You can find all these beautiful animals at the Nature Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and from 12 to 4 p.m. on Sunday!

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Jodi Keen
Jodi Keen
Jodi Keen is the managing editor of Evansville Living and Evansville Business magazines.

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