O Christmas Tree

Nearly 95 million U.S. households display Christmas trees each year, making it one of the most popular holiday traditions. Those looking for an authentic, local tree have several options in Evansville.

Sycamore Valley Tree Farm

7120 New Harmony Road

In 1956, Leroy Niehaus planted the first pine trees on the farm now known as Sycamore Valley Tree Farm. Named by Leroy’s wife Lillian, the farm is owned and operated by the Niehaus’ sons John and Jim.

Spanning five acres, Sycamore Valley offers White pines, Norway spruces, and Canaan firs. A member of the Niehaus family is available to assist every customer with selecting, shaking, baling, and even securing trees for transport.

“Some of our customers have been coming back for 30-plus years and it is special to reminisce with them and some of their children are now coming with their families,” says John.


Boy Scout Troop 399 Christmas Tree Lot

Sacred Heart Church, 2701 W. Franklin St.

For about 65 years, the Boy Scouts, Venture Crew, and Cub Scouts of Troop 399 have sold more than 1,000 Christmas trees per year on the parking lot of Sacred Heart Church.

Scouts, who can earn their salesmanship merit badge working the lot, offer customers two types of trees, Frasier firs and balsam firs, as well as baling service and pictures with Santa on select days.

“As an adult, my favorite part of the tree lot is helping the boys,” says Ed Kuhn, tree lot chairman. “It’s about making an impact on the lives of these young men.”

The Christmas tree lot is Troop 399’s largest fundraiser — paying for annual scout outings and operation costs.


Goebel Farms

4745 W. Boonville New Harmony Road 

Originally an 80-acre dairy farm, Goebel Farms is now known for its family activities and selections of seasonal pumpkins and Christmas trees.

With the first tree planted in 1989 by Larry Goebel, their selection has grown to include white pines, blue spruces, Norway spruces, and more, with shaking, baling, and trimming services included.

“Everyone has a different ideal tree,” says Jeremy Goebel, Larry’s son and co-manager. “We want everybody to get the perfect tree they want for their family.”


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Jodi Keen
Jodi Keen
Jodi Keen is the managing editor of Evansville Living and Evansville Business magazines.

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