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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

April / May 2015

Evansville Business

Swimming Means Winning

Evansville residents have their choice of a few indoor swimming facilities, including two YMCA pools (one with two swim lanes) and the city-run Lloyd Pool. However, ask many of them about Lloyd Pool and you’re very likely to hear it

Back Talk

Jan Davies

Hometown: Tell City, Indiana Job: CEO of Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana Resume: President of the Junior League of Evansville, 1987 to 1988; recipient of the Helen Klamer Philp Award, founding member and original co-chair of the Women’s Fund of

Business Front

Open For All

Residents gathered during the end of March at the Four Freedoms Monument in Downtown Evansville to peacefully protest the passing of Indiana Senate Bill 101, or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Gov. Mike Pence signed the bill in late March

“When Good Enough … Ain’t”

Evansville has a municipal self-esteem complex. We’ve written about the low image the city seems to have of itself many times. Indeed, the inaugural magazine of Tucker Publishing Group was founded to help battle this complex. We asked, “Why not

High Flying

Evansville Regional Airport is preparing to welcome a new airline to the team this summer. Along with Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and US Airways (American Airlines and US Airways are in the process of a merger), United Airlines will offer

Courthouse Creatives

When Evansville freelance graphic designers Matt Wagner, Rachel Wambach, and Aaron Tanner went looking for an office space in August 2011, they wanted something to make their own. What they found was an empty room surrounded by windows on the

Barefoot Design

Nineteen years ago, Beth Martin, owner of The Barefoot Cottage, stood inside The Secret Garden store in Newburgh, Indiana. Looking around the shop, which sold garden accessories and home furnishings, inspired Martin. She stood upon the steps in the store

Local Voice

Newburgh, Indiana, resident Larry Bucshon was first elected to Congress in 2010. He will be up for re-election in 2016. When not in Washington, D.C., he tours his district, which covers 18 counties and a portion of one county of

Never the Same

In the electronics industry where nothing seems to stay the same, one family has remained steady since 1953. Hutch & Son, an industrial electronics and components supplier at 300 N. Main St., was started by J.W. Hutch and E.R. Taylor

A City of Optimism

There is an air of optimism surrounding the Evansville community that Julie Welch says she has never before experienced. It’s this kind of positive thinking that made it easy for Welch, who has lived in Evansville since 1992, to accept

Savings to the Next Degree

Long winters and hot summers can prompt concern about utility bills and the money left in our wallets. Nest Labs discovered a way to incorporate both savings and temperature comfort in the world’s first learning thermostat — and Vectren has

Finding the Solution

It was 1994, and Vicki Hubiak faced a career crisis. For 15 years she had been climbing the ladder at Peabody Energy, all the way to employee relations manager of the Midwest Division, before the age of 40. In 1990,

Working for Clean Water

For the seventh year in a row, the Ohio River tops the charts as the most polluted body of water in the U.S., according to the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission. The removal of these chemicals can be a

Online Exclusives

Fore the Community

When the United Leasing Championship is held April 27 through May 3, the focus won’t be entirely on golf, but what the sport can do to give back to the community. The Golf Gives Back program was born three years